At least they won’t break your heart, right? The process of transforming into a crazy cat lady is almost complete. Just stop to think about it for a second, you know it’s going to be bad for you, so why even get into it in the first place? Then again, maybe they didn’t hear you well enough? Maybe if you raise your voice it will be more effective? –investigations-told-you.jpg Bad Relationship Memes that Say What We’re All Thinking –relationship-facts-bizarre-pictures.jpgīreathe, just breathe… Count to 10, don’t let yourself go into crazy mode. These 46 bad relationships memes really hit the nail on the spot and if you relate to them, maybe it’s time you gave your relationship another thought. Bad relationships – some of us are trying to find a way to get out of one right now, while the rest don’t even realize they are in one, but we’ve all had them.